FREE Black & White Lightroom Presets for Landscapes
Turn your landscape photographs into high contrast black & white images with only a few clicks.
Have you ever tried black and white editing in Lightroom and then immediately reverted back to color because it looked kind of boring?
The good new is: It is not your fault! Without fine-tuning, Lightroom creates very dull black and white landscape photos. But with the help of these carefully crafted presets, you can achieve appealing black and white images with deep, rich blacks in a matter of seconds.
All five presets have been tested with 100+ images from different camera models to ensure the most universal use possible. They are also a great addition to my Signature Lightroom presets or the complete Lightroom workflow for professional black and white photography.
Download Options Before & After Examples
The presets work for a variety of different landscape types, but unfold their full power in coastal, forest and mountain landscapes with clouds, fog or overcast skies.

Please keep in mind that you still need to adjust the basic settings of each image. In particular, you’ll need to adjust the shadows, whites and exposure in the Basic panel of Lightroom. Afterwards, it's good to adjust the Black & White Mix. Use this panel to determine the level of greyscale brightness for different colors in the image (see #5 on this article by Adobe). → See also: How to Capture Dramatic Black & White Landscape Photos
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Lightroom Presets: Before & After Photos
The examples give a realistic impression of the presets. Only the basic settings like exposure, highlights or shadows were adjusted manually; everything else is based on the presets.

Features & Compatibility
- 5 Lightroom presets (XMP, lrtemplate and DNG format included to ensure maximum compatibility across platforms and devices)
- compatible with Adobe Lightroom 4-6, CC and Classic CC (Win & Mac) as well as the free Lightroom Mobile app for iOS and Android
- *also works with Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) in version 10.3 or newer - that means you can use the presets in Photoshop, too!
- optimized for JPG and RAW images
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Master Collection: Get all 8 Lightroom Preset Packs for $75
8 professional Lightroom workflows for moody landscape, travel and aerial photography. Get a total of 362 presets for Adobe Lightroom Desktop & Mobile* with a shop value of $282!
Included in the Master Collection:
- Dark & Dramatic Lightroom Presets ($35)
- Signature Lightroom Presets ($35)
- Landscape Essentials: 20 Lightroom Presets ($39)
- Forest Landscapes Lightroom Presets ($35)
- Aerial & Drone Lightroom Presets ($35)
- Polar Landscapes Lightroom Presets ($35)
- Black & White Lightroom Presets ($29)
- Cinematic Lightroom Presets for latest Lightroom versions ($15)
- ... plus all future product releases!
FREE Lightroom presets for Adobe Create
Adobe commissioned me to create seven Lightroom presets for landscape and travel photography that you can download for free on Adobe Create Magazine. This is a great way to test my presets and get familiar with the various editing possibilities.
More about the creator of the presets

My name is Jan, and I'm a visual artist and fine art photographer based in Hamburg. My work focuses on atmospheric and abstract landscape photography of the distant North: Norway, Iceland, Greenland and beyond. Read more about me, discover my fine art and landscape series or learn about my coaching services for photographers.